My friend called me and informed one swarm at workplace area,I made necessary preparations,I transported new hive,ıt has 4 frame bees,queen is young,last year 3 piece swarm event news was reported,unfortunately when they very high places,we didnt get them.I beleive that after nice meintanence I will be grow its population necessary position until when we transport our hives for chesnut honey in May 28 date.
Hardal ve ayvalar çiçeklendi.Mustard and quınce was blooming
Enginar ve soğanları çapaladım.I hoekd for artichoke and unıon
Gübrenin üzerini naylonla kapattım,kuruduktan sonra sebze ve meyvalara vereceğim.
Hardal ve ayvalar çiçeklendi.Mustard and quınce was blooming
Enginar ve soğanları çapaladım.I hoekd for artichoke and unıon
Gübrenin üzerini naylonla kapattım,kuruduktan sonra sebze ve meyvalara vereceğim.