When air temperatures is between 28 or 30 degrees,bees went out hives ,according to meteoroloji,air degrres will see 33 degrees in our region.When I was wörking in morning ,I can go to my apiary after twelve o clock.When I was finish mj job I m going to apiary directly,It doesnt any meintenance for devolopping colony,I intervatene poor and develop slowly colonies.main target without big difference in development between all them.
Geçenlerde işyerinden aldığım oğul gelişimini güzel tamamlıyor,şu anda 3 çerçeve yavru var ve bol bol petek ördürüyorum.Tecrübeler gösteriyorki genç ana herzaman mükemmel şekilde kolonisini geliştiriyor.

Akasyalardan oğul sesi gibi ses geliyor,etrafımda bayağı akasya ağacı var,bu arılar için güzel bir şans,belediyenin ekmiş olduğu akasyalar çiçek açmıyor ,yetkililere sebebini sordum,çevre kirlenmesin diye bu tedbiri almışlar,hiç ağaç çevreyi kirletirmi,bu konuda belediye başkanıyla görüşeceğim.
Recently,I have taken from my wörkplace swarm its very devolopping rapidly,it has 3 frame brood and it has made honeycom always.Experience shows young queen developping fastly his colonies.
You can hear as swarm voices from acacia trees,we have much acacia trees at our environment,its a very big chance for bees but acacias has planted by Munıcipalitıe,they dont blooming,I asked reason to responsable,they explained me if acacia blossom was pollute environment very interesting,in my opinion no trees pollution at environment.I will speak with mayor in next time for
this subject.