When we go to Gebze Çoban Mustafa paşa mosgue to Friday prayer,mosgue imam was announced ,whole community was gven rice and buttermilk by Gebze Chief of Police department for martyr policemans.We made blessing all martyr policemans also I congrulated Gebze chief of Police Şevket Karayiğit and others responseble.İn my opinion likethis events very nice beheviour.my God rest his soul,My god give patience their sad families.

Kirazlar 10 ila 15 gün sonra yenmeye hazır hale gelirler. Probably cherries may be ready for eat after 10 or 15 days.
Akasyalar çiçeklenmeye başladı.Acachias was blooming.
Varroaya karşı mücadele devam ediyor.Struggle was running against varroa mite.
7 Mayıs 2010 Cuma
Daily life günlük yaşam
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