Nomad young boy Tayyar Karakaş who located our apıary from 6 or 7 km away,invited me his wedding ceremony,I and my little son participated his wedding ceremony.Wedding was made as nomad traditional.Catering was very nice,hospitality too,of course those behavior very nice and important.All things was natural,no enviromental pollutıon , noise and electric.They abandon some of the habits,for instance they live home instead of tent,they produce their own needs. I wish happy and healty life new married couple.
Çevrede gezinirken bu kum karışımı toprak dikkatimi çekti.Üzeri kuru olmasına rağmen altı ıslaktı,oradaki tarımla uğraşan kişilere sorduğumda bu kumlu toprağın bahçe için çok verimli ve faydalı olduğunu söylediler.Bitkinin dibine verilen suyun buharlaşmasını önleyip toprağı kurutmuyormuş,kurak geçen yaz aylarında en büyük problem susuzluk oluyor,bu sayede bunun önüne geçebiliriz.Yakın zamanda küçük oğlumla beraber römorkla bahçeme getireceğim.Denemekte fayda var.Hem su israfını önlemiş hemde verimi artırmış oluruz.
While I trip at environment this soil caught my attention.Despite dry on,under was wet,when I asked some of people who interesting agricultural in there,they were said this soıl was very harmful to prevent dry and prevent water vaporup in summer season.Dryness very big problem during summer season in our gardens.So that we can be solve this problem.We will transport with my little son one tractor in my garden at Darıca province.There is a use for experince.
Yağmurların bolca yağması neticesinde bahçedeki tüm ürünler yeniden ürün vermeye başladılar.Bu gidişle 1 ay daha kendi domatesimi ve biberimi yiyeceğim.Yaz boyunca suladığım ürünler ,yağmurdan sonra daha da verimli olmaya başladılar.Yağmurun bereketi hiçbirşeyde yok.
All prodacts give new crops after rains,Probably we will eat next time during one mont tomateo,pipper from my garden.Crops that I irrigatıed during summer season,they were give new prodacts after rains
Those prodacts that stay soıl in harvest time and again grow after raıns,I dont need plant again some prodacts,I anchoraged their bottom and they were grow.Our plans plany lettuce and spınach nowadays.I didnt see snails in garden after rains,I m thinking get one pair goose,I didnt need now.