General election were held,Justice and devolepment party won this election,after I vote I went to beekeeper friend Bekir,We checked bees latest sıtuatıons,Bekir not satisfied bees circıumstances,he must be prepare bees for chesnut,probably he will Blacksea cost nex week. at the same time he has gardener he grow young plant I bouht pipper,tamotoes,eggplant plant him,this time I bought cucumber plants,.100 pıeces.
Polen geliri son günlerde bayağı azalmış,
Salatalıkların ekimide tamamlandı.Cucumber planting completed.
Bu bölümde hiç gübre kullanmadım,2 sefer çapalayıp ardından su verdim,deneyip göreceğim sonuç ne olacak
I didnt use manner any this section I grub 2 times than I gave water one time.