When I came back from near the bees,firstly I went to garden to see latest situatıon,tometoes and runner beans was grow,some of them grow with corns,some of them had crossed height of corns.İn this case ,there was no other choice than to pile,I went to carpenter and bought 70 pieces pile,my youngest son Gökhan has sharpened ends of the piles,we gave some tometoes and beans.Probably we will be eat firt tometoes in Mid july.
Domateslerde bu yıl bu uygulamayı tercih ettim,başlara iki kazık çaktım ve etrafını bezle döndüm.Domatesler büyüdükçe gereği yapılacaktır.Randımanlı olup olmadığını deneyip göreceğiz.
I preferd like this application this year we will see whether beneficial

Mısır ve taze fasulye birlikte büyüyorlar.Corn and runner bean grow together.
Nihat Uğur ve çocukları bahçeye ziyaretime geldiler,uzun zamandır yüz yüze görüşemiyorduk bu iyi bir fırsat oldu.
Nihat Uğur and childs visited us in my garden,we couldnt speak face to face very long time,this event was nice opportunıty
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Allah'ın Selamı üzerine olsun agız tadıyla yemek nasip etsin inşaallah
Well tended garden, your bees will help make sure you have a good crop.
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