Hardal bitkisi ,arılar bol polen topluyorlardı,hava sıcaklığı son iki gündür yükselince tüm bitki örtüsü canlandı
I put napkin previous formic acide application,I saw that napkins tattared and throw by bees so I cut haliflex again.

Önceki formik asit uygulamamda peçete koymuştum,gördümki peçeteler arılar tarafından parçalanmış ve atılmış,bende yeniden halıflex kestim.
4 yorum:
Merhaba Ilhami Bey,
Referring your previously left comment on my page about your garden.
Oh it's such excited to hear that you'll be sending natural chestnut honey, natural gardening vegetables... Who am I to say no, thanks when it is organic food:)
I'd absolutely LOVE it:)
As far as my visiting your page, hope you won't mind if I can pay some late visits b'cus of my high tempo work-life style here. But you see I try my best to keep my reading your page as well as others as long as I find time at first chance.
What I enjoy about your corner is that a free open door lies for a world I know nothing for example: my name-sharing bees and their hardworking life, similar like mine:)
I will visit to see how doing my cute friends (=bees) and smell the perfume of greens in your garden:)
Have another beauty-full day w/ your works.
Hello! I was wondering ... what does the formic acid do for your bees?
I enjoy visiting your site ... my mother-in-law speaks of her childhood when her father raised bees.
The pictures on your site are so nice. Thank you for sharing them!
Small Footprints
Uğur bey her öneriye açığız neden olmasın,mühim olan doğru olanı bulabilmek ,sağolun,işlerinizde ve arıcılıkta kolaylıklar diler saygılar sunarım.
Hello,formic acide usage to prevent varroa ,varroa is eat bees wings and prevent bees devolopping,varroa is very dangereous for bees.Formic acide no harmfull humans and bees or other living beings,made from ants and stinging nettle.You can get for more information formic acide internet page.Best wishes
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