28 Mart 2010 Pazar
Maintanence of March month Mart ayı bakımı

26 Mart 2010 Cuma
Traffic accident Trafik kazası
Arkadaşım Recep Gürpınar kazaya karıştı,çok endişelendik neyseki boyun bölgesindeki kırıkla kaza ucuz atlatıldı.Kendisine acil şifalar ve geçmiş olsun dileklerimi iletmek için ziyarete gittim.Buradanda en kısa zamanda eski sağlığına kavuşmasını ve aramıza dönmesini bekliyoruz.Allah kimseye böyle üzücü durumlar göstermesin.
My friend Recep Gürpınar made an accident,we were very wörried,fortunately he passed accident only one broke in neck region,I went visit him to say emergency healing,we wish he has get rehabilite as soon as possible and return among us.God forbid such as sad events anyone.
22 Mart 2010 Pazartesi
Formik asit uygulaması Formice acide application
20 Mart 2010 Cumartesi
Beekeepers andThe Ministry of forest and Environment Çevre Orman Bakanlığı ve arıcılar
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![]() | ![]() | OGM - İMİ, Bilgi İşlem Şube Müdürlüğü - Ankara [ Adres: Orman Genel Müdürlüğü Gazi Tesisleri 06560 Beştepe/ANKARA ] / e-posta : webbirimi | ![]() |
17 Mart 2010 Çarşamba
Internatıonal Honey Commission Meeting Uluslararası bal ve arıcılık komisyonu toplantısı
What | Who | |
1. New IHC members since last meeting | ||
2. Current work of the different groups Reports of activity leaders and short presentations of a maximum of 10 minutes each, plus discussion of 5 minutes | ||
3.1. Residues (Anne Claire Martel, -Monitoring of PDCB residues in | Christina Kast, CH | |
3.2.Botanical and Geographical Origin of Honey (A. Thrasyvoulou, GR) -Honeydew honeys of -Traceability of the botanical origin of honey: determination by real time PCR | Andreas Thrasyvoulou Gian Luigi Marcazzan, IT | |
3.3. Pollen (Maria Campos, PT) | ||
3.4 Beeswax | Joachim Roth, D; | |
3.5. Royal Jelly (Anna Gloria Sabatini | ||
3.6. Propolis (Vassya Bankova, BG) | ||
3.7. Melipona honey (Ligia Almeida, BR) -Entomological origin of stingless bee honey as a contribution of Prof. Camargo, an exper in biogeography -A stingless bee honey database on a website repository -Book project: Pot honey: A legacy of stingless bees | Ligia Almeida, BR Patricia Vit (VE) Patricia Vit Patricia Vit | |
3.8. Honey of Asian bees (Surrendra Joshi, NP) | ||
3.9. Melissopalynology (Werner | ||
3.10. Sensory Analysis (Lucia Piana, I) | Lucia Piana, I | |
3.11. Adulteration (Lutz -Adulteration of honey: current situation - reference database update - new analytical developments. | Lutz Elflein, DE | |
3.12. Organic honey (Stefan Bogdanov CH) -Apimondia Conference in | Stefan Bogdanov CH | |
3.13. Apimedical Science (Peter Gallmann, CH) | Stefan Bogdanov CH | |
3.14. Good Honey Production | ||
3.15. Honey Analysis Methods (Teresa Sancho, ES) -Improvements of Phadebas ® for the Phadebas Diastase Test Bipea - organiser of proficiency testing schemes for honey - Participation results of Apiculture Division laboratory in Pulawy (Poland) in proficiency test for honey organised by Bipea. | Teresa Sancho, ES Eric Johnson, SE Bruno Berken Ewa Waś, Helena Rybak-Chmielewska, Teresa Szczęsna, Katarzyna Kachaniuk | |
3.16. Honey Microbiology | Alejandra Vasquez and Tobias Olfafson, SE | |
4. Varia Control, legislation, market, others, next meeting | ||
1400-17:00 | Conference excursion to Omalos | |
Opening Ceremony | ||
A review of the biological and functional properties of honeydew honeys in comparison to blossom honeys | Stefan Bogdanov | |
Differentiation of honeydew honey and blossom honey according to their sugar profile | Bentabol Manzanares, A.; Hernández García, Z., Rodríguez Galdón, B.; Rodríguez Rodríguez E.; and Díaz Romero, C. | |
First estimations for the chesnut honeydew typification in | León-Ruiz, V.; González-Porto, AV; Rodrigo-Medina, S; Escuredo O., Chouza M. & Seijo C. | |
Comparison of volatile and semi-volatile compounds isolated from six types of Greek monofloral honeys | Tananaki Ch., Thrasyvoulou A. | |
Composition and properties of two unique honeys from the boreal coniferous forest zone: fireweed and raspberry honey | Anneli Salonen, Riitta Julkunen-Tiitto | |
Interpretation of Indian unifloral honey quality data by pattern recognition techniques. | Vikas Nanda and Bahadur Singh | |
Slovene honey - protected geographical indication. | Andreja Kandolf, Adriana Pereyra Gonzales, Nataša Lilek | |
Uni-floral honey analysis commercialized in | Garcés, S., González-Porto, AV & J.Cambra | |
Bee farming in | Mugisha Fred | |
Natural honey: a healthy source of dietary fructose. | Ajibola Abdulwahid | |
Coffee break and Poster exhibition | ||
Volatile and semivolatile components ofMesembryanthemum crystallinum honeys from Gran Canaria ( | Jiménez-Pulido, A; | |
Eeucalyptus occidentalis endl. unifloral honey: physicochemical, melissopalynological and organoleptic characteristics. | Piana Maria Lucia, Belligoli Paola, Sesta Giulio, Lusco Lorenzo, Persano Oddo Livia | |
Lead and cadmium in honey dew and blossom honeys originated from different regions of | S. Samargi and E. Gouta | |
Honey bees of western | Irfan Kandemir and Ayça Ozkan | |
Lunch at MAIC | ||
Join Meeting with Entomologiss st (Bogdanov, Harizanis, Gounari) | ||
Biology and phenology ofNeoleucaspis kartliana(tanacsijshuk) (Diptera: chamaemyiidae) on Marchalina hellenica genn. (Hemiptera: Marchalinidae) in | Ülgentürk S., Civelek SH, Ayhan B. Dursun O. & Sahin Ö. | |
Biology and phenology of Marchalina hellenica genn.(Hemiptera: Marchalinidae) in | Sofia Gounari | |
Pine and fir tree honeys: a review of the two pillars of beekeeping in | Spyros Skareas | |
Supported colony management system for ıncreasing honey production. | Muhsin Doğaroğlu | |
Conference excursion to Rethymno |